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Vacancies - Please look at our volunteering page. 


Vacant and currently recruiting.   Please do look at our volunteering page. 

Mandy Ferguson - Trustee & Interim Chair

Mandy joined Headway Surrey in October 2019 as a Trustee. With over 30 years commercial and general management experience operating at executive and board level, Mandy has a wealth of experience in both the food and media industries and is adept at successfully managing businesses through change programmes. Her roles have included Managing Director of Ambrosia; Managing Director of Ryvita; Managing Director of Harlequin Mills & Boon and VP – Overseas, Europe for HarperCollins.

Since January 2018 she has operated as a freelance Business Consultant  (Binocular Consulting) and also is the Chair of Hounds For Heroes.

In March 2024, Mandy stepped up to be the interim Chair, whilst we look to recruit a new Chair. 

In her spare time Mandy loves live music, theatre, ballet and cinema. She is also a keen traveller and passionate about conservation and animal protection.

Andy Golding ACA - Treasurer

Andy first started supporting Headway Surrey in July 2020 and was official elected at the AGM on 8 October 2020. 

He is a qualified accountant specialising in charities for over 10 years, working on sizeable portfolios of both large and small charities. 

Now working at Intersystems within the finance team of this  large corporation and enjoying helping Headway Surrey.

He lives in Surrey with his family. 

Lou Eccles - Trustee

Lou survived a severe stroke in late 2018 and joined Headway Surrey as a client in spring 2019. She has attended the centre weekly ever since then and enjoys the art sessions in particular. She has a wide circle of friends amongst the client group, and she regularly helps others with their own challenges.

By profession she is a long-standing civil servant, currently working in stakeholder engagement in the skills branch of the Department for Education. She has volunteered for various charities including Mind in Woking, where she worked as a Community Wellbeing Caller. She continues to represent and support people who are experiencing mental health problems, drawing on her own experience of two decades suffering severe eating disorders that nearly caused her death and culminated in her stroke.

With her position on the Headway Surrey Board of Trustees she represents fellow brain injury victims including the other clients she socialises with at, and outside of the centre. She is continuing her work with Mind and continues to represent service users at the Bradley Stroke Rehab. Unit in Woking. She is a role model for survivors of brain injury and she uses this experience to attract new clients to Headway in support of our Link work at various hospitals in Surrey and London.

Sarah Ings - Trustee

Professionally Sarah works in Human Resources, she is currently Head of HR at Reach plc having worked previously at Serco and Babcock.

Sarah joined Headway Surrey in October 2019 as a Trustee. Sarah was formerly a trustee for Surrey Youth Focus and Girlguiding Surrey West and is still actively involved with Girlguiding in the local area. 

Sarah enjoys helping at the Drop In sessions and meeting the clients individually. 

Ian MacFarlane - Trustee

Ian joined the Headway Surrey Board of Tustees in April 2024.

He has held appointments in Hospital Medicine at Nottingham, Leicester, Manchester and Birmingham. He was a Consultant Physician, Diabetes Endocrinology at Aintree University Hospital, Liverpool and an Honorary Professor of Medicine at Liverpool University. 

Ian has written 200 publications and Review Articles on research in Diabetes and Neurological Endocrinology and was a Specialist Advisor to The Care Quality Commission (CQC). 

His charity work has included the British Diabetic Association and Childhood Cancer Charities.

Jackie Payne - Trustee

Jackie started volunteering as a Centre Day volunteer in August 2023 and in April 2024 joined the Headway Surrey Board of Trustees. 

She has a background originating in HR and for the past 14 years was Manager of the Samson Centre for MS in Guildford, a self-funded charity which provides physiotherapy for people living with Multiple Sclerosis. 

Jackie’s sister acquired a brain injury in 2017 and she received support from another Headway branch, so Jackie definitely values the benefits that Headway Surrey can provide.

In her spare time, Jackie sings in the Vivace Chorus in Guildford and also enjoys swimming, walking, Pilates, travel and pottering on her allotment.

How you can Help Us

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